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Opvia's Story

What once had to be physical can now be digital – we can automate the development, scale-up, and production of life-changing products so they can become a reality within months, not decades. So then...

Why do 79% of teams still use paper or spreadsheets?

Our founder (William Moss) had the same question. So, in 2019, he engaged with teams across over 300 companies to delve into the reasons behind their hesitance towards digitalization. His exploration revealed four critical issues with the available software solutions:

  • Setup hurdle”It'd take time and effort to setup”: substantial time investment required, followed by a long adaptation and training periods
  • Siloed"[x] won't be on the system": each process stage is isolated, since workflows cannot be automated and data is without context
  • Inextensible"we'd be stuck with it'": hard to modify or extend, leading to rigid workflows that prevent process improvement
  • Hard to use"it's not for us": a steep learning curve because existing softwares provide generic experiences, not tailored to the specific workflows

What if every team could configure exactly what they needed on one connected platform?

The Opvia Platform empowers teams to build exactly what they need, fast, and with confidence. It does so through four elements that can be combined to manage and execute workflows with full traceability:

  • Document procedures: Track executions. Collaborate with confidence.
  • Capture data: Automate online data collection. Capture offline data in procedures.
  • Automate workflows: Automate manual steps. Integrate data. Build dashboards.
  • Version control changes: Review and audit changes. Train teams. Ensure compliance.

Our progress and what lies ahead

We are on a mission to expedite the creation and delivery of the next wave of life-changing products from years to months. While there's a substantial journey ahead, Opvia has already become the digital backbone for some of the most prominent and rapidly growing life-science companies globally. You can explore some of their transformative stories here.

Keen to explore more about Opvia? Feel free to get in touch with our team and embark on your digital transition journey.